• STS Barometer/ 科学技术与社会晴雨表

    About the Project / 项目介绍

    The Science, Technology and Society Barometer (STS Barometer) is a survey on trust in scientists (experts), science communication media, open science, artificial intelligence ethics, and bioethics issues to promote science communication research. We investigate and provide data on public perceptions and attitudes toward science and technology through periodic, representative, and large-scale surveys. We warmly welcome the participation of all potential collaborators.


    About the Data / 数据介绍

    • Chinese STS Barometer Wave1 / 中国STS晴雨表第1波调查

    The first wave of the STS Barometer survey in China was conducted by the Research Center for Science, Technology and Society at Tsinghua University at the end of 2023, covering 31 provinces (cities and autonomous regions) in Chinese mainland. A total of 21,074 target people were invited and 9,906 responses were received, of which 3,000 valid samples were retained after screening.

    2023 年底,清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心在中国开展了第一波调查,面向中国大陆 31 个省(市、自治区)。共向 21074 位目标受众发放问卷,收到回复 9906 份,经筛选后保留有效样本 3000 份。

    The 1st wave survey in Japan was conducted by the University of Tokyo in January 2024, covering all 47 prefectures. Invitations were sent to 89,630 individuals, receiving 5,488 responses, with 1,573 valid samples retained after screening.

    2024 年 1 月,东京大学卡维里宇宙物理学与数学研究所数据驱动发现中心在日本开展了第一波调查,面向日本 47 个都道府县。共向 89630 位目标受众发出了调查邀请,收到回复5488份,经筛选后保留有效样本1573 份。

    • ELSI Survey of University Students in Science and Technology in China / 中国高校学生科技伦理调查

    In August 2023, the research project "Research on the Ethical Literacy and Competency of Graduate Students in Science and Technology" that I led was funded by the Tsinghua University's Graduate Education Reform Project. In January 2024, the Research Center for Science, Technology and Society at Tsinghua University conducted a ELSI Survey among university students in China. The survey sampled 60 representative universities from 147 national first-class universities. Invitations were sent to 34,069 targeted individuals across these universities, with 13,923 responses received. After screening, 5,000 valid samples were retained, including 2,403 from science and engineering, 1,602 from social sciences, and 995 from humanities; 3,009 undergraduates, 1,353 master's students, and 638 doctoral students.


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    Ongoing Joint research / 正在进行的合作研究

    • The Manifestations and Variants of Scientific Populism in East Asian Societies / 科学民粹主义在东亚社会的表现形态与变种

    • Understanding Trust in Experts in the Pattern of Trust / 在信任格局中理解专家信任
    • The Combination of Public Preferences for Facial Recognition Technology / 公众对人脸识别技术应用的偏好组合
    • Gender Differences in Acceptance of Facial Recognition Technology: Considering the Victorian Segment / 基于VSEG的人脸识别技术应用接受度的性别差异
    • Social Trust Systems and Perceptions of AI Risks / 社会信任系统与人工智能风险感知
    • Public Willingness to Participate in Science from a Stratified Model Perspective / 分层模型视角下的公众参与科学意愿
    • Changes in Values and Perception of Technological Ethical Risks / 价值观变迁与科技伦理风险感知
    • ......

    Welcome to Join! / 欢迎加入我们

    We warmly invite potential collaborators to join our research team, with cooperation mainly divided into the following three categories.

    • Data Users / 数据使用者

    If you are interested in research data from China and Japan, please feel free to request the original questionnaires via email. At the same time, please propose your research questions, and we will prepare the corresponding data for you. We look forward to working with you to complete interesting and meaningful research. Young researchers and students are especially welcome.

    • Data Providers / 数据提供者

    We welcome partners who can contribute data from other countries. If you can conduct a same survey in other countries, we are willing to share the usage rights of the data from China and Japan with you for comparative research.

    • Participants in the Second Wave Survey / 第二波调查的参与者

    We welcome collaborators interested in contributing to the second wave survey questionnaire. If you have research questions and are willing to participate in the design process of the next questionnaire, we would be very pleased to have you join us.


    *ELSI survey of university students in science and technology in China is not currently available for sharing.
